Friday, May 19, 2006

Today is the 19th of May. Hv not been up-beat for a while due to problem w my blood count!!! As usual, fear, worry & scared of what was happening to me AGAIN??!! Rather restless, unsettled & lost my focus in doing things. Anemia make one feel very tired, lethargic, weak & just want to lie down & sleep, sleep, sleep....I live like a zombi.
Finally, had the excruciating painful bone marrow aspiration procedure & found out w great relief that my bone marrow is fuctioning Perfectly well.. No blood dysplasia at all!!!! The fact was, I am experiencing an exacerbation of Lupus, for being underdose of Prednison. To solve the problem I hv to increase the dose to 20mg daily. Well, as usual, the inflammtion to my blood will be under controlled pretty quickly. Hope that the high dosage can be reduced eventually till a low mainteance dose again soon. I just hate & can't bear going thru all the horrible side effects that this 'wonder' drug produced!
Anyway, am glad that we found out the cause of my low bld ct. Got to tolerate the side effects temperary so that I will be well soon...

I e-mail to Mun & family sharing w them about all that had happened. I will post the mail in this Blog.

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